Dwayne Design is the label I used for things I’ve made over the years. Slightly ambiguous as Dwayne is a man’s name. And well, Dwayne Johnson is cool. There were soy candles and various sewing projects. Of course both candle making and sewing requires a lot of supplies, space and time. As you can imagine I did not have any space or time to spare in a small house filled with four children lol.
My love for photography and inspiring quotes led me to adding quotes to photos I’ve taken. Sometimes, there is a quote I love and I try to take a photo that goes with it. Other times, I just love a photo I’ve taken and search for a quote to go with it. And some photos I take just happen to inspire my random thoughts or writings.
Adding text and sometimes borders to unedited photos is kind of my take on graphic design, a creative outlet of sorts and a form of art therapy for me. Click here or Dwayne Design from the category list to view my original photo creations. I hope to inspire, bring a smile, and sometimes just make you laugh along with my quirky humor.