Ken and I have been blessed with four children. Courtney, Sydney, Ashton and Emma were born over the course of 15 1/2 years. I see a lot of families with four children these days, though they seem to be spaced neatly close together. On Ashton’s many medical appointments he is involved as much as possible, some physicians even check that they heard him correctly asking me “Really, he has three sisters?”, lol. Once even asked “And really, you are their mom and they all have the same father?” Come on, are we really that unusual?

Courtney just happened to be eight years and three months older than Sydney. Sydney just happened to be four years and three months older than Ashton. See the pattern there, years cut in half and months the same? So following this apparent pattern Ashton should be two years and three months older than someone lol. We thought we were done with three but we had our bonus blessing arrive the day he turned thirty-four months old.