Okay, so you must know by now that I think Cooper is the cutest canine ever. Dogs love peanut butter. It is a special treat for him to be able to lick out the empty peanut butter jar. I messaged the raw photo of this to my mom and sister who are both not dog people kind of joking around that perhaps Jif would like Cooper to be in an ad. They both agree and my sister replies, “Choosy dogs chose Jif.” She is younger than me so why did I not recall their old tag line Choosy Moms Choose Jif? Now I had to add the caption to this photo for my collection. Ah, that was fun, have not done that in a long while. Thank you Terrah! This very special needs mommy is supposed to have some non-mom time. Perhaps I need to take the time to get this website of mine back up to date again? Bye bye web hiatus. LOL!