I still have Psalms chapter 16, the words of David on my mind. I often like to compare how scriptures are rendered in other versions of the Bible. The Watchtower Online Library, part of JW.org makes this easy to do. I absolutely fell in love with the melodious words of Byington’s translation, just so beautiful and peaceful. I just had to make another design, a bit more on the artistic side, fancier font for verses 8-11. And I had recently captured the perfect morning sky photo to use for it.
The blue sky was streaked with white clouds that had a bit of a goldish tinge to them. It completely reminded my of my daddy, blue was his color. My parent’s first house, purchased when I was three years old, was made of stone cut in to large bricks and dad had the trim painted a golden color. About five years later we moved to our second house. Dad had that painted a very pale yellow, think homemade lemonade without any artificial coloring, the inside of a lemon. And he had the trim painted the same golden color as the first house. I honestly do remember standing outside and dad telling me that these are the best colors for a house. I must have asked him why he was using the same trim color instead of a different one. Now if only I could remember the actual names that these colors they were called. I tried searching for retro house colors of the 70s and got nowhere lol. I am just going with goldenrod for the trim color.
Back in March when I went to pick up my dad’s cremains from the crematory I was feeling somewhat uneasy not knowing for sure what to expect. Well, I put on my brave face and kept repeating to myself “I am not going to cry!” I get inside the Funeral Home and this peacefulness overcame me, it was warm and inviting, calming with just the perfect amount of light and foliage. There was interior exposed brick made of stone like our first house and the trim was my dad’s perfect color for that, goldenrod. It was a bit déjà vu, kind of surreal, and well, bizarre.
Psalm 16
8 I keep Jehovah always before me;
because he is at my right hand I shall be unshaken.
9 So my heart is glad and my soul jubilant;
my flesh too rests assured,
10 Because you will not leave my soul to the realm of death,
will not give up the man of your friendship to see dissolution.
11 You will send me along paths of life;
in your company there are joys in plenty,
pleasant things are in your right hand perpetually.