Rain Rain Polka—2017 MHS Polka Band

Yay, the Marathon High School Polka Band is back this year! And, with an excellent performance too. Could there be a more perfect way to start Solo Ensemble on this rainy morning than with the Rain Rain Polka? The critiquing afterwards could have been taken a bit hard by the students though this is a learning experience. As the judge explained I understood what he was saying and thought if his points were applied the performance would have been perfect but none the less I still think the students did an excellent job and were very enjoyable to listen too. Actually, I heard the critiquing of many performances at solo ensemble last year when Marathon hosted and I was the volunteer runner. I am just in awe of someone’s ability to follow the sheet music and hear all the tiny errors. I meant to share this video sooner but somehow I managed to upload it to Ashton’s YouTube instead of mine, bound to happen sooner or later I guess managing two channels on one phone lol. It was extra special to me that Sydney was in the Polka Band and she wanted me to come and record it for Grandpa Miller:), my dad.