original digital art
DWayne Design
Solitary Bird
Just one of the Scriptures shared on how we can show unfailing love . . .
The Early Bird and the Early Worm
Last Friday
The Early Bird vs Second Mouse
Last Thursday morning after seeing Ashton and Emma off to school I was . . .
But It Is My Turn On The Top Branch!
How is this for some cute winter bird humor? It would have been . . .
Just Me and My Shadow, Cardinal Love
Have I mentioned how much I love cardinals? LOL! This noon I came . . .
A Grateful Heart is a Blessed Heart
Saturday morning (02/02/2019) my best friend Nikon and I spent some quality quiet . . .
Winter Wonderland
Went outside just after dark to try and capture some fresh snow pictures . . .
Emotions Will Be Expressed
Back in the beginning of October I came across this quote, it struck . . .